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Outlaw Star Episode 8

In the distant future, after humans left earth and started colonizing other planets, there lives a man named Gene Starwind and his young partner/brother, Jim Hawking. The two men run a small business on the planet Centinel 3 that claims "we can do any job." Gene makes money on the side by bounty hunting. One day a woman comes to hire the men for personal protection, little do they know that she is actually an Outlaw in disguise. The following events lead Gene and Jim into a maze of trouble, searching for hidden trouble, running from the cops and pirates, and helping out people in odd jobs along the way.[MAL]

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megaupload.comOutlaw Star -=- 08 - Forced Departure.rmvbrmvb37.27 MB
megaupload.comOutlaw Star Remastered 08.mkvmkv62.24 MB
fileserve.comOutlaw StarEpisode 8.ogmogm199.88 MB
rapidshare.comoutlawstar08.rmvbrmvb75.41 MB
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